If you’re a homeschooling family looking for a classical co-op, Catholic Schoolhouse could be a good fit for you! We are currently registering families for the 2024-2025 academic year for NWA. More than an academic co-op, Catholic Schoolhouse is a structured program meeting weekly for homeschoolers that includes chorus, two hours of classroom instruction, hands-on science & art projects, and opportunities for socializing after class. Please join us in person at St. Vincent de Paul in the Parish Ministry Building on Sunday March 3rd following the 10am Mass. Additional informational meetings are scheduled online via Zoom. Please visit https://rogersar.catholicschoolhouse.com/. You may contact Christina Cutcliff at RogersAR@catholicschoolhouse.com for more information or questions.
We will meet in the St. Jerome Room at SVdP. We will have someone standing outside the doors to guide you.
You may also call/text Emily at 281-732-5732 if you can’t find it.