CSH Values
Our Values
Utilizing the individual God-given gifts of each member, we empower leaders to match those gifts of others in order to overcome divisiveness with love, understanding, acknowledgement of other ways, all as we strive to become the best versions of ourselves.
Who we are
1. Catholic. We are true to the magisterium of the Roman Catholic church, striving to love in the heart of Holy Mother Church.
2. Classical. Homeschool success through a Classical approach. While we come from a classical approach, we are flexible.
3. Accessible. You can do it! Our topical approach allows parents to create a learning plan that is achievable for all teachers and students. Our special needs learners are immersed in the heart of our communities and the family’s educational plan.
4. Flexible. Catholic Schoolhouse moves and grows with the family and the child. Catholic Schoolhouse can adapt to your needs, both as a family and as a community.
5. Joy. The original name of Catholic Schoolhouse was “Joyful Learning,” believing that with joy we can accomplish so much more. Joy is at the heart of who we are as Christians. Together we are Making Memories, Building Faith.
6. Empowering families to share Catholic culture. The Church will grow and flourish when families come together in a supportive, welcoming environment – family to family, parent to parent, child to child, we are changing the world.
7. Sharing. Catholic Schoolhouse welcomes all as part of the Universal Church. We are eager to share, whether on a different faith journey, no faith journey, or in a different place in their Catholic faith journey. We wish to share all God has given us with the world. We immerse them in Catholic Values, and never compromise or alter the program.
Values for Leaders and Coordinators
1. Our mission is solidly to support, not replace, the home educating parent. We first and foremost serve the home educating family. We are not seeking to be the most elaborate program, we are seeking to be accessible to you, while you are focused on your primary vocation
2. Your primary vocation is to your family. Yes, we are all dedicated to the mission of Catholic Schoolhouse, but when it comes to a choice, we are your secondary vocation. Whatever comes up in our family, we will all pull together to support each other.
3. God doesn’t call the equipped, He equips the called. We all started somewhere–some of us badly. We will give each other the freedom to take risks and grow. “Anything worth doing is worth doing badly.” — G. K. Chesterton
4. Respecting the gifts we have each been given we strive to bring out the best in each other. Encourage one another in love. To encourage means to fill with courage.
5. Seek the win-win. Your role at Catholic Schoolhouse should be good for you and good for CSH. Sacrifice is admirable, but we believe you will contribute better if what you do is also of value to you. Programs and policies for members also reach for the win-win. You can be the wind and blow someone’s coat off, or you can be the sun and make them want to take it off.”
6. We share guidelines, values, and best practices, rather than rules and directives when possible.
7. That conflicts are solved through love and communication. If members continue to love and communicate charitably, a solution will be found.
8. Virtue and Unity are paramount. As members of this Catholic Community, first we will learn virtue and unity ourselves, then we will better be able to ignite the world and unite the culture! Jesus sought unity, so we follow His example as we also strive for unity. When we first learn to be united, then we are better equipped to do our part in uniting the culture.